Book Review #4 – 100$ Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future by Chris Guillebeau


Have you ever dreamt of quitting up your 9-5 job and striking out your own start-up?

Imagine living a life free from constraints, where you are able to pursue your passions and devote all of your energy to a project that you have started, rather than serving as a grinding in a system designed to enrich other people.

“The $100 Startup” conveys how to escape the grind of your 9 to 5 job and launch your microbusiness for $100 or less by combining all your passion and skills and become financially self-sufficient. For anyone wishing to launch their own company, “The $100 Startup” by Chris Guillebeau can be considered as the only book which is basically the result of identifying 1,500 people who’ve made $50,000 or more with very modest investments (often less than $100). Worldwide an increasing number of people are eschewing the rules and hierarchies of traditional employment in order to pursue their passion and launch their own microbusinesses, which give them a purposeful and independent life. 

So what are the requirements to initiate a startup?

Apparently, a startup or micro business can be initiated with a little or no requirements, even on an ongoing basis, ordinary people are launching their micro-businesses, often with no funding, no experience, no MBA and no detailed business plans. To succeed in your business similarly and to overcome any obstacles all you just need is only the following things:

  • A product or service that can be sold
  • Customers who are willing to pay for it
  • A way to execute a payment with
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Successful entrepreneurs frequently encounter obstacles because of their own fears and insecurities, not because of competitors or the market. It is important to overcome these fears and take the risk. The book “The $100 Startup” offers a new lifestyle guide to earn a living on your own terms, combining passion and income to make work a passion.

This book is much more different than any other startup-books present in market which brings up two key themes, including:

  • Freedom : What we are all looking for startup
  • Values : The way to achieve our goal

3 Crucial Learning from this Book

  • Passion is only 1/3 of the equation, skill and customer satisfaction are just as important as passion in this equation. 
  • Pay attention to expenses and revenue if you want your passion to become more than just a pastime.
  • Keep your plans simple because they are always outperformed by action.

To whom is this book indicated?

This book is intended for people who want to take a fresh turn, move up a level, or launch their own company. According to Chris, this book is for those who take actions & provide inspiration.

5 Key Point from the Book-

  • It might be preferable to start your own business than to live the “office life
  • The first tasks is to accomplish
  • The second task is to structure your idea
  • The third task is to advertise your product to the world
  • One might be prepared for the challenges